Info meeting for Easter trip to Bohuslän

Info meeting for Easter trip to Bohuslän


This meeting will be a info meeting for those that are interested in joining our trip to Bohuslän this Easter. 

We will talk briefly on how we think the best way of organising the trip will be, and explain the different types of climbing one can participate in. 

Signup form:

After the meeting a final signup form will be published where people may sign up for the trip. The final signup form will be binding, meaning that once you sign up you are obligated to join, and any fees that are to be payed will also have to be covered by each individual

Important info

We do not have any instructors or guides present. We expect participants to have sufficient experience for the discipline they engage in. There are dangers inherent to both trad and bouldering, which you engage in entirely at your own risk.

If you want to join the trip to learn trad, for example, we expect that you partner up with someone in advance who can take responsibility. We expect all trad climbers to have a valid belaying certificate (brattkort).

Bohus offers mainly trad and bouldering, but there are a couple of sport crags. There will not be any instructors present, and we do not encourage inexperienced trad climbers to trad climb without necessary precautions, like partnering up with someone with more experience before signing up for the trip.

We cover somewhere around 50% of the cost for travel and for accommodation. If you are a non-student, we may deny your participation as we have requirements for how many non-students can participate.

Logistics and travel info

The trip will be split into two periods, ranging from sometime in the week before easter to the 20th of April. We will attempt to split up the trip so that it fits best for most people, and so that most people get a ride instead of having to take the bus.

You can also participate for the entirety of the trip.

If you want to leave a day earlier or later, there are buses that depart not too far away, and you can possibly hitch a ride back to Oslo with other climbers in the area. Depending on when you leave, you may be eligible to get some of the price deducted from your stay.

If sufficiently many report other preferences for their stay, we may change the duration of the trip.

Meeting will take place on Zoom.


Topic: Osi Klatring Info Meeting Bohuslän easter trip

Time: Feb 27, 2025 06:00 PM Oslo

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 692 2370 8990

Passcode: OSI



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