Annual meeting OSI Klatring
Påmeldingsfrist: 30.09.2024 19:30
Annual meeting
Welcome to the annual meeting of OSI Climbing.
The meeting is open for all members of OSI Climbing, and we'll discuss the general state of things in the association, with an election of a new board at the end.
The meeting will be held at 18:00 on Monday 30th of September, 2024
at Pilestredet 32, 0166 Oslo
in room N020.113
The meeting will be followed by bouldering for the new board members to get to know the old board.
Vacant roles
The roles that are currently vacant are:
- Board member
- Helps with various tasks in the association
- Can plan trips and events
- Answers messages from members
- Vice president/nestleder
- Supports the leader in various administrative tasks
- Can lead meetings in place of leader
- Does other board member tasks
- Accountant/økonomiansvarlig
- Makes sure that refunds are processed
- Book keeper
- Keeps the board up to date on the economics of OSI climbing
- Does other board member tasks
- Member manager
- Keeps track of members' applications
- Answers messages from members (although everyone helps with this)
- Sets up new members' fee each semester
- Does other board member tasks
- Bouldering room manager
- Sets up at least one dugnad each semester, where holds are cleaned and new boulders are set
- Keeps track of needs in the bouldering gym
Please note that all roles are up for election, the ones above are only vacant. The complete list of roles is:
- President
- Vice president
- Accountant
- Course/instructor manager
- Member manager
- Bouldering room manager
- Gear manager
- Board member/potato
- Åpning
- Godkjenning av de fremmøtte representantene
- Godkjenning av forretningsorden
- Godkjenning av sakslista
- Konstituering
- Årsberetning
- Regnskap
- Innkomne saker
- Kontingent
- Budsjett og aktivitetsplan
- Valg
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