Ute Klatrekurs // Outdoor Climbing Course
Påmeldingsfrist: 16.10.2022 11:00
"For deg som har Brattkort og klatrer inne, men som vil lære det grunnleggende for å kunne klatre og sikre på utendørs [boltede] sportsklatrefelt." - NKF: Fra inne til ute | Norges Klatreforbund (klatring.no)
"For you who have a 'steep' card and climb indoors, but who would like to learn the basics for climbing and belaying outdoors at a [bolted] sport climbing crag." - NKF From indoor to outdoor | Norway's Climbing Association
We are organizing an outdoor climbing course (inne-til-ute kurs/indoor to outdoor course) October 15th to 16th 9:00-17:00. You will learn safe methods for top-rope and lead climbing outdoors including rappelling, anchors, and taking down equipment (i.e. 'cleaning') outdoors. We have a certified instructor (Klatreinstruktør 1 Sport) to lead the course along with 2 assistant instructors.
We will be visiting a crag around Oslo slightly depending on weather and interest of the participants.
As a participant you should have a brattkort and experience climbing and belaying indoors with both top-rope and lead climbing.
Helmets are mandatory at this course. All equipment can be borrowed from us. You have to be a member of the club. The course will take two full days, cost 500 NOK. It is limited to 6 places and students will be preferred. There will be time to climb yourself. The location will be accessible by public transport (or we will organize cars if not).
Learn more about the course contents here: https://klatring.no/fra-inne-til-ute
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