Kurs i ledklatring
Dette kurset gir deg innføring i klatring og sikring på led. Etter dette kurset, vil du være i stand til å ta brattkortprøven. Før du tar dette kurset bør du allerede ha tatt nybegynnerkurs – sjekk kalenderen for å se når neste kurs er.
Informasjon om brattkortprøven og brattkortet finner du her.
Kurset koster 260 kroner, og blir holdt i Blindernhallen. Inngang til SIO Athletica må også medregnes, da kurset holdes innenfor deres porter. Alt nødvendig utstyr blir gratis å låne under kurset.
This course gives you an introduction to lead climbing and belaying. In order to this course, it is expected that you know how to climb and belay using a top rope. If you don't know how to belay using a top rope, check our calendar to see when the next beginners course is held.
After the course in lead climbing, you are able to take a test to get the Norwegian «Brattkort». This is a certificate of climbing knowledge, and many climbing gyms require you to have this, or some international equivalent.
More info about the certificate can be found here.
All courses are held in Blindernhallen, and costs 260 NOK. Access to SIO Athletica must also be considered, as the course is held within their premises. All necessary gear will be rented by us to you for free.
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